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FruitCREWS at Scientific Conferences

FruitCREWS at Scientific Conferences

Throughout 2023, FruitCREWS members actively participated in several scientific conferences, sharing research conducted within the framework of the FruitCREWS COST Action. Here are some key events in which they presented their work.

Melissa Venturi from the University of Bologna was one of the participants at the X International Symposium on Irrigation of Horticultural Crops in Stellenbosch, South Africa, in January 2023. She delivered an oral presentation titled “Deficit irrigation strategies increase sour cherry adaptability to following water stresses” to a group of approximately 100 scientists. The research discussed methods to improve sour cherry resilience in response to water stress, contributing to conversations about sustainable irrigation practices.

Later in November, Melissa attended the XII International Workshop on Sap Flow in Rotorua, New Zealand. Her presentation, “Sap flow and fruit vascular relations under progressive water stress conditions,” was delivered to an audience of around 80 scientists. The study delved into how water stress affects sap flow and fruit development, providing valuable insights into plant-water relations. You can read full program of the workshop here.

Teresa A. Paço from the Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade de Lisboa, took part in the 5th National Symposium on Fruticulture, held in Alcobaça, Portugal, in February 2023. At this national event, attended by 340 participants, including scientists, technicians, and farmers, Teresa presented two posters on research conducted under the FruitCREWS Action. This symposium provided a valuable opportunity for engaging with both academic and practical audiences in the field of fruit cultivation. You can read the poster from the conference in Portuguese here.

July 2023 saw Teresa‘s contribution at the 22nd GIESCO meeting, hosted by Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. The event, focusing on digital, precision, and mechanical viticulture, gathered around 240 scientists. Teresa was involved in the writing and revision of the presented work, which supported the objectives of the FruitCREWS Action and contributed to advancements in viticulture practices. You can read the abstract of the conference paper, written by Miguel Damasio and Teresa A. Paço, both members of the FruitCREWS Action, here.

These conference presentations represent the important contributions of FruitCREWS researchers to global scientific discussions on topics related to plant water management, irrigation strategies, and viticulture.