STSM: Dr. Islam Frahat’s Fruitful Research Journey

STSM: Dr. Islam Frahat’s Fruitful Research Journey

Dr. Islam Frahat Zaky Hassan had the privilege of conducting research at University of Bologna as part of the FruitCREWS COST Action from August 31 to October 1, 2023. This research aimed to enhance knowledge and hands-on experience in assessing plant water status and physiological responses in various fruit crops.

During this STSM, Dr. Hassan gained insights into advanced techniques related to plant water status assessment, stomata conductance, CO2 evolution, and Chlorophyll fluorescence measurements. Additionally, he acquired practical experience in assessing Net Photosynthesis, Leaf Transpiration, and Fruit Growth in various fruit trees.

The knowledge gained during this visit will contribute to understanding plant responses to water regimes and soil types, enhancing the FruitCREWS‘s deliverables. Collaborative research projects are also planned to further utilize this knowledge.

This STSM was a fruitful learning experience, promising to enhance the FruitCREWS COST Action and make valuable contributions to plant physiology and agriculture.