This year the FruitCREWS Annual meeting will be organized as a general Workshop titled: “Water relations and irrigation of fruit crops: from science to policy and practice”
A Workshop organized by FruitCREWS is open to scientists and concerned stakeholders to discuss the current and future challenges of perennial crops irrigation in a changing climate. It will be held in Naoussa (close to Thessaloniki, Greece) on June 17th and 18th 2025 and will be open to abstract submission addressing the following themes:
1. Factors affecting the water requirements of fruit crops
2. Stress physiology, irrigation, and climate change
3. Bridging the gaps between models and irrigation practice
4. Orchard technologies supporting orchard water management
5. Precision irrigation management, plant sensors and remote sensing
6. Integrating science, policy, and practice in fruit growing and landscape water management
The workshop is an unique opportunity to get together different actors such as researchers, SMEs, policy makers and producers to discuss the most pressing issues on irrigation management under the current climate change challenges. A range of keynote speakers related to the topics addressed will be announced soon.
If you wish to contribute and take part to this event please submit your abstract through the following form by February 28th 2025: click here.
Contribution can be:
- Orals: 15 minutes,
- E-posters
- Flash Orals: 7 minutes
Please note that, depending on the number of abstracts submitted and the time constraints in the workshop schedule we might need to make a selection for the oral contributions. Participation for the selected abstracts will be covered by FruitCREWS.
Looking forward to receive your abstracts!