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FruitCREWS Workshop

FruitCREWS Workshop

Second FruitCREWS Workshop will be held on May 16th 2023 within the ISHS European Horticultural Congress in Bucharest. The topic of the workshop is Advantages and Constraints in the Adoption of Technologies to Optimize Irrigation Scheduling: The FruitCREWS perspective.

The aim of workshop is to to discuss with researchers, industry and policy makers the state of the art of technologies to optimize irrigation inputs, while tackling the gaps still limiting their adoption in modern orchard systems. This workshop will be dedicated to stakeholders, while esteemed speakers from the FruitCREWS COST Action team will be invited to hold a lectures.

If you are interested in joining the European Horticultural Congress Symposia (the major ISHS scientific event in Europe) you can find more information at the following link. If you would like to attend FruitCREWS Workshop, you can contact Brunella Morandi (, Chair of the FruitCREWS Action, for the further information.

You can join the workshop through the following link.

Save the date for the new FruitCREWS Workshop!