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STSM: Advancing Fruit Tree Irrigation

STSM: Advancing Fruit Tree Irrigation

From 11 to 22 June 2023, the FruitCREWS COST Action Anna-Lena Haug was on a Short-Term Scientific Mission (STSM) organized by FruitCREWS COST Action. The host of the mission was Dr. Alon Ben-Gal.

At the Gilat Research Center (GRC), the team was immersed in the world of cutting-edge irrigation technologies. Under the guidance of Dr. Ben-Gal, participants were introduced to the lysimeter system and various sensors for irrigation scheduling. A variable drip irrigation experiment was also conducted, resulting in the collection of crucial spatial data. The first week was dedicated to fostering a deep understanding lysimeter system and various sensors for irrigation scheduling. A variable drip irrigation experiment was also conducted, resulting in the collection of crucial spatial data.

The scope of the STSM broadened further through field trips and meetings. Remote sensing was thoroughly explored, and discussions took place regarding potential collaborations. A visit to the Matityahu orchard experimental farm provided insights into lysimeter systems and irrigation experiments in apples.

Anna-Lena Haug, gained a wealth of knowledge, insights, and valuable contacts. The STSM has equipped her with new tools, ideas, and scientific contacts to further the development of ongoing irrigation trials. The data collected will contribute to optimizing irrigation and establishing best practices at regional and interregional levels.

This STSM, has been a transformative experience to Anna-Lena Haug. The knowledge, experiences, and collaborations gained during this mission are essential to the realization of the objectives of the FruitCREWS COST Action.