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STSM: Testing the SurEau Model

STSM: Testing the SurEau Model

From 1 to 30 September, Jose M. Torres Ruiz was on an Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM) at the Institute of Natural Resources and Agrobiology of Seville (IRNAS). This STSM was organized by the FruitCREWS COST Action.

In a month-long STSM, Jose M. Torres Ruiz explored the SurEau model‘s potential in assessing drought risk in lemon, olive, and almond trees. Despite initial challenges, the team successfully used the model to predict how these trees respond to changing climate conditions. Notably, lemon trees exhibited greater resilience to drought, surviving longer than olive trees.

These findings are a significant step toward more sustainable agriculture in the face of climate change. They enable timely survival irrigation and offer insights for different fruit species. Collaboration within the FruitCREWS COST Action is essential to refine and implement these results, ultimately securing the future of our agricultural systems. Jose M. Torres Ruiz‘s mission exemplifies the power of international scientific cooperation.