Working Group 1 – 1st Year Progress

Working Group 1 – 1st Year Progress
FruitCREWS - WG1

Working Group 1 (WG1): Physiological Parameters and Sensing Technologies

In order to achieve WG1 goals the following tasks are envisioned for the FruitCREWS COST Action lifetime:

  • Task 1.1: To identify, for each species, the physiological parameters best suited to monitor water status
  • Task 1.2: To list the most reliable plant-based sensors to monitor identified physiological indicators.
  • Task 1.3: To list the most robust and reliable remote sensing tools to complement local sensors and models.
  • Task 1.4: To explore protocols to integrate data from plant sensors into remote sensing applications.
  • Task 1.5: To analyze, for each species, which is the most promising protocol for detecting plant water status and the existing gaps for its implementation.

During the first year of the Action, members of the WG1 actively participated in various online and in-person meetings, as well as in different Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs). The first FruitCREWS Annual meeting served as a platform to outline the tasks of the WG and structure the group which was done by Pasquale Losciale, WG1 leader. Pasquale, also introduced Konni Biegert as dissemination and communication representative.

During many online meetings in the weeks thereafter, the work continued. From 16-17th October 2023, WG1 held a hybrid meeting in Barcelona. Fourteen researchers from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Egypt, Germany, Italy, Spain and Turkey participated in person and many more from remote. In

WG1 representatives, Alan Lakso and Martin Thalheimer presented their work on Plant-based Sensors for Continuous Monitoring of Tree Water Status during the 1st FruitCREWS e-seminar, held in December 2023.

Currently, WG1 members are providing their own datasets in order to attempt a global analysis about the tree behavior subjected to different water status. The task of the WG1 group in the following period will be the preparation of multiple review papers on the physiological responses of fruit crops to water stress and how to monitor it with reliable sensors. The following coordinators within WG1 will work on water relations of the different crops in separate review papers:

  • Apple and pear: Francesco Reyes,
  • Grapevine: Jaime Sebastian Azcona,
  • Peach: Andrea Giovannini and
  • Kiwi: Alba Minnini.